The Incident and Injury-Illness Tracking System product is used to record, manage, and report information on incidents involving personal injury or illness, motor vehicle accidents, or damage to property. This is a powerful tool for effectively managing workplace safety and health and can help you to comply with OSHA occupational injury and illness recordkeeping and reporting requirements, including printing OSHA’s Form 300, Form 300A and Form 301. This system will support the investigation of accidents and “near miss” incidents to identify their causes and means for prevention while helping document the necessary corrective actions and track them to closure.
To accomplish this purpose, we provide the following components with this product:
Electronic documents that explain the high-level functions of the Incident and Injury-Illness Tracking
System module with recommended business rules and logic. These documents contain links to key examples or
how-to documents that elaborate on these key features.
A series of documents, diagrams and videos that are geared to develop the skills and knowledge of this
module’s functions through commonly used examples of how users would the relevant features.
A sampling of documents, diagrams and videos that are geared to develop the skills and knowledge of this
module’s functions through commonly used examples of how users would the relevant features.
For a full list of ORS Training Resources, please contact your Open Range Software respresentative.
Interface and Navigation Videos
Common Terms and Features Video
Master List Videos
Access Control Videos
Premium add-ons can further enhance the software experience, increasing team productivity and efficiency. Specialty Features are sold as licensed add-on
plug-ins to existing products and provide highly
specific screens, reports and tools for the topic.
Specialty Features apply to all users licensed for
the applicable product.